Free Stream Good Boys Torrent HDTV Full Length no login director Gene Stupnitsky

  • story Invited to his first kissing party, 12-year-old Max asks his best friends Lucas and Thor for some much-needed help on how to pucker up. When they hit a dead end, Max decides to use his father's drone to spy on the teenage girls next door. When the boys lose the drone, they skip school and hatch a plan to retrieve it before Max's dad can figure out what happened
  • genre Adventure
  • Gene Stupnitsky
  • Release year 2019
  • 6,8 of 10
  • Writed by Lee Eisenberg


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Good Boys is the Stand By Me of our time! Like the 1986 movie, some close friends-all boys, do bad things when their parents are not around, and learn about growing up during their journey. But unlike Stand By Me, which puts tears in your eyes from sadness, Good Boys puts tears in your eyes from laughing.
The so-called Good Boys are Max, Lucas, and Thor, played by Jacob Tremblay, Keith L. Williams, and Brady Noon respectively. These boys are excited to have a day to themselves while Max’s Dad is away, but after they get into a pickle, they decide to ditch school to fix it, which gets them stuck with a sex drug, sex toys, and alcohol.
If raunchy humor is not for you, then Good Boys isn’t either. The F word is said numerous times,and sex toys and drugs play a large just because there are kids in the movie, don’t think you can take yours to see it!
However, through all of the raunchy elements, Good Boys finds a way to move the audience as well. Like in Stand By Me, the boys learn about growing up, and the boys deal with bullying, crushes, bravery, and other obstacles kids realistically go through. One kid goes through his parent’s divorce as well.
The 3 boys are obviously the hit of the show, and they do a good job at their roles. Nothing Oscar worthy of course, but I see potential for all of them in the future. Jacob Tremblay already showed it in Wonder, and he proves it again in this movie!
The audience and myself laughed on many occasions, if sexual humor is YOUR kind of humor, I can’t stress that enough. this is a very funny comedy! I must have laughed a double digit amount of times, I’m not even sure how much, but it was often!

“These are kids who drop F-bombs left and right, but they also giggle as they ride their bikes through the sprinklers. And for a while, the director} finds a charming balance between who they really are and who they’re pretending to be. But pretty soon, it becomes clear that this is a one-joke movie-Oh my {Lord} these cute 12-year-olds are swearing! and once that one joke has run its course, it feels like a struggle just to reach the 90-minute mark.”
I see what she means, but I never tired of the “one joke” and the swearing isn’t the only punchline. But even Christy mentions that the movie has heart as well!
I am not giving this a 10 because it’s a masterpiece. As I write this, Good Boys is my 7th favorite comedy, behind movies like Blazing Saddles and There’s Something About Mary. My 7th favorite movie of all time as of now is a tie with Love Actually and Valentine’s Day, behind movies like The Last Temptation of Christ and My Fair Lady.
These films obviously do not compare. That’s why I separate comedies. As a film that is just meant for fun and laughs, Good Boys immensely succeeds.
Since this released yesterday, I can assume it’ll be on DVD by Christmas. I’m adding this to my Christmas wish list in that case! Good Boys is in fact good as a movie, but as a comedy, it may be one of the genre’s greats!
PS, This also marks the first time I went to a movie theater by myself, so this was coming of age for myself as well!
I would also look forward to a Good Girls or a sequel with these boys.

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